Visiting Lecturer
Experimental College
EXP-0008-F: Dramatizing War (Fall 2024)
(undergraduate seminar)
Whose stories have been told in war? Whose voices have been left out? In this course, students
will delve into a landscape of how playwrights have dramatized war throughout human history,
also linking to readings about the political environment of the time, and probing different ways
that theater has broached and framed war (sensationalizing it, protesting against it, etc.) and for
different ends (i.e., as a component of cultural processing of a previous or ongoing war, or to
mobilize support for opposing wars). From Greek tragedy to Shakespeare to contemporary work
addressing the Vietnam War and warfare by drone, students will probe questions about what
these texts communicate by offering space to these voices. Students will view these texts
through a multi-disciplinary kaleidoscope, also reading relevant texts of history and social
science scholarship.